Danielle Alvarado
Special Needs Education Advocate & Independent Facilitator
26) This is somewhat of a ThankYou letter first of all!!! Also a piece of paper putting down in words, and the long neverending nightmare that I a good parent, went through with LBUSD, for at least 6 or 7 years (cant remember, and dont really want to), but more years, the deafer the ears, so to speak. and then by the grace of god somebody from C.S.S. gave me the # to Danielle Alvarado.
Boy, what an attention getter, in the most gainfully and exsplict way, she was able to help me!!!!!!! she got done what had once taken me forever to nowhere!! Thanks to her my son, Steven is Now on the Honor roll and once again a straight A student with a GPA of 3.85 at Heritage school in Utah.
I often thought how it would be to be proud...and even maybe bragg a little about my son. Thanks to Danielle Alvarado...That dream has come true!!!
Bill Sheehan
27) Originally to referring Dr.
I would like to express my deepest appreciation for Danielle Alvarado. We dont know what we would of done if we didnt have her as part of our team here on Catalina Island, Long beach Unified school district.
Danielle was able to expedite our need for AB3632 funding even after the recent California budget declined any new Special Education funding. Her passion and experience enabled us to "pull a rabbit out of a hat". I wish to recommend Danielle to other families and therapists with a need for advocacy, sensitivity, and skillful direction for how best to navigate the system.
please do not hesitate to give my name and number 310-710-6269 as a reference.
We are so lucky to have her, Thanks again.
Anita L. Bussing,
28) Hi, Just want to wish you a good day and say "THANKYOU" so much for the support you have given me, my son and so many other mothers out there!!
You have a special place in your heart for helping these special kids and I am sure it is not easy when you have a family of your own to take care of!
I am giving you a starbucks card, I hope you like it, I know I cant be without my caffiene and with everything you do I thought you would like it!
With much appreciation always, The Reyes Family!! Thank YOU!!!!!!
29) From Jim: Father of Disabled child:
?Danielle has expert knowledge of the special education system. She is aggressive in advocating for her client - the child. She is the Pitbull of Advocacy and does not take "No" for an answer. She has exceptional insight gained from 22 years experience advocating for not only others but her own special needs children. She will fight for your childs special education rights and needs as if he/she was her own. She is very creative in thinking of ways to work with the system and with teachers, psychologists and school administrators. Highest recommendation!?
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, Creative
30) From: Kim
?Danielle helped me work with our school during my child's IEP process. She has so much knowledge in her field of advocating for kids with special needs. But I think what stands out the most is her true commitment to the success and achievement of the kids themselves. She has walked in your shoes. She is there to help you every step of the way.? January 13
31) Hi my name is Jasmine, I wanted to add my story to this site.
My fiend gave me, Danielle Alvarado's name and told me I should call her, to see if she could help with my 10 year old son, Jacob he was diagnosed in 2005 with a rare neurological disorder and Autism. I was having a very difficult time, finding someone to help, with his school program and getting help from the doctors. I have to say within 3 days, Danielle had his school, giving him the services, such as a one to one, and vision help rigt away and without severe stress, and she also referred me to a specialist who could actually help me, do the one thing I needed, understand my son's issue. It has been seven months and My life and my son's life is so much less stressful and we are happy. Danielle still always checks in with me and the school and makes me well aware of her presence if I need her, I want to say in closing, meeting this woman has made such a positive impact, Thank You will never be enough. God Bless her and I beleive she is making this world a better place, by her help.
Thank You, Jasmine
32) Danielle Alvarado has been an effective advocate for my child, with special education needs.
Working directly with the Long Beach Unified School District (LBSUD) special education department, Danielle has secured several accommodations for my son. These include a strong, concise, and complete behavioral assessment which lead to an excellent behavioral plan being put in place; assessment by Autism Services, Occupational and Speech therapy. She has also monitored progress of each request closely. Calling the LBUSD, the teachers and the other support personnel involved with my son.
My son started middle-school and I was very nervous about his transition from elementary. Danielle was instrumental in setting up a transition plan for my son, at the end of his 5th grade year, so the move to middle school went smoothly. This included having aid support in place, a secure place and person for my son to go to in those early days of middle school to feel safe, getting my acquainted with his middle school teacher and having a good behavioral plan in place to start the year. Then once the year began, Danielle followed-up regularly and scheduled and early IEP to ensure the transition was going well. As a result, my son had no problems making the transition to middle school and actually made the Principals Honor Roll on his first grading period. This was all a result of the hard work Danielle put in early on to make sure supports were in place.
Danielle is in constant contact with the support team for my son. She makes sure all the IEP requests are followed through with and that the LBUSD is staying in compliance with laws and regulations regarding special education. She is also excellent at coming up with new ideas to solve problems which may arise. She does not allow the support team to stick with the same old ideas. She is also in regular contact with my sons outside support team including his therapist, and psychiatrist so she is aware of what is happening with my son. This also helps her to better suggest ideas for the classroom and school in general. Finally, she goes beyond just helping with the LBSUD and suggests programs that she knows of outside the LBSUD that may be beneficial to my son. She definitely goes beyond the call.
Jim Beadles
33) I was given Danielle's information several times by my doctor. I kept saying I'll call her and never did. One night, during one of my son's horrible fits, I called my doctor about medication and she called Danielle, who in turn called me. That night changed my life and my son's life forever.
We made the decision to send my son to a rehab hospital. Danielle was there every step of the way. She called and set everything up, she made sure the hospital was one that was amazing and would fit the needs of my child.
During my son's stay, my Dad passed away. My son wasn't able to come to the funeral. I was distraught and Danielle was my answer to prayer. She called my son daily to check in on him, she talked to hospital staff to make sure he was being taken care of, and called me daily to make sure I was okay.
Not many people would do this...Danielle is an amazing, caring person who understands what children with these types of disorders go through and how hard it is to parent them. My son is now home after a 4 month stay in the hospital, not a single day of it was easy, but it was the best decision of my life. I have my child back, a healthy, happy child that will succeed in life because someone took the time to call me at 10pm and tell me they were there for me and would help me find a place to care for my child as much as I did.
Danielle still calls me to check in and see how things are going, she cares not only about my son but my entire family. she is worth every penny!
I would recommend her to anyone that is dealing with a child who is having behavioral issues, emotional issues or just help getting through the red tape in the school systems.
She is truly amazing!